Have you tried to stop smoking in the past, but failed? Here are the 6 things that experts say you must do to be successful.
Have you tried to stop smoking in the past, but failed? Here are the 6 things that experts say you must do to be successful.
The dangers of coconut oil pulling stem from not knowing the facts versus the myths. Read our blog to learn more and find out if it’s safe for your teeth!
Do genetics influence your oral health? Recent studies say yes and no. Learn about which health factors you can control in our latest article.
Giving has been shown to benefit both the receiver and the giver. What are some of the health benefits you will get by giving to others? Find out here.
Here are some fall food favorites that will give you the warm and fuzzy feeling of autumn while enhancing the health of your teeth.
Figuring out how to pack your child’s school lunch box every day is no easy task for a parent. Here are some easy tips on how to pack a healthy lunch your child will love!
Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking. Why is it so popular? Is it safe? Our blog gives you the answers to those questions and more.
Are you considering straightening your smile with orthodontic treatment? You have good reason to invest in yourself! A recent study revealed that almost 80% of patients who completed orthodontic treatment felt that teeth straightening was one of the most life-changing...
Have trouble keeping your New Year’s health resolutions? Here are some tips and a free download to help keep you on track for success!
Do you hide from the camera? Gain your confidence back and learn how to smile beautifully for every picture-perfect moment.